Giving up an old toy

Well - it's been a tough decision. But I'm confident it is the right one - for now.

When Lily was just a tiny baby - she wasn't scared of anything. We have two big loud dogs that live near us - they barked big at her and she leaned in closer. I like to hammer things and Adam likes to vacuum. Didn't phase her. Nothing scared her. None of my kitchen gadgets. Until last week.

My immersion blender. Actually, my second (upgraded) immersion blender. The one I got for my 30th birthday. The one that the pros use. The one that replaced my tried & true, worn, motor burnt Braun model (sweetly handed down to me from our late dear Aunt Ellen). I practically use it every day. It is the one gadget that replaces three (food processor, blender, magic bullet). And it is better, easier to use and more efficient than any of them.

I had used it one day - no problems. Lily just played in the kitchen floor like always. Next day - the moment I pressed power. I heard a scream and a new cry from her. I knew - without even turning around that it was the scream of terror. Of course I stopped and picked her up. She cried for a while. Then I reassured her and took her over to the blender; let her touch it and then tried to use it again when I was sure she was deep into her playtoys. Same thing. I felt awful for putting her through it again.

Tonight, I was prepping some stuff for our Sunday breakfast. Lily was playing really well and I thought maybe it was a last week thing. Same sad story. This time I really felt like a brut. I shouldn't have even tried again. But I'm not all that efficient at pulverizing frozen blueberries by hand. I quit right away and, this time - when I picked her up - she looked at the blender like it was a monster. She lurched backward - almost backbending over my shoulder as if the blueberry mutilator might get her next.
And that was the end.
I really hope I can use it someday again. But for now, and for the next few weeks or months - my immersion blender is put up in a high cabinet unless my sweet Lily girl is out with her daddy.


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