Buying Extra Bananas

Lately, I've been resolve to re-establishing my own persona. I'm Adam's Wife and Lily's Mom. But I'm also Amanda.
In the past year my focus has been on my new title of Mom and my current role as Wife. I think that has been an appropriate focus. I will continue to focus on those priorities for the rest of my life. But it is also good for me to remember that I am more than just a wife and mom. I am Amanda. There are things that I love to do; things that excite me; things that make me all teary-eyed, things that give me goosebumps; things that really irk me and things that give me peace.
I've started doing little things again. Little things that I didn't think I'd have time for - with a crawler. I'm baking again. Making herbal tea blends and home-made hand lotion. I'm sending cards and handwritten letters. Making gifts for my friends by hand. I'm finding my passions again. I just finished a great book about food (The Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan). Earlier today, during Lily's naptime - a time that I normally spend cleaning, bill-paying or washing diapers - I prayed and then sat in quiet with God. I'm just making time to still be Amanda. I'm making time for the things that enrich my soul and make my life more enjoyable.
It is really easy to put household chores and my all important "to do" list in front of any number of these little fun things. So I've been buying extra bananas. That way - when they turn brown because there are too many for us to eat - I have no choice but to bake some fresh banana bread. Recently, I found a recipe for chocolate banana bread. Fantastic.