Miles is Here!

Miles was born on Wednesday morning - 5/26  (6:01am).  7 lbs.10 oz.  20.5 inches long.
Another happy hypnobirth.  Things went very well. 
Lily Ann has been giddy since we brought him home.  She is so sweet with him and loves to kiss his little head and pat him.  He's just a little joy.  We are all getting settled and trying to figure out a new rhythm of life here.  So far, things are lovely.
God has blessed us.


meanjean said…
He is beautiful! Look at his skin tone, so healthy. Congratulations Mom, Dad and Lily.
Unknown said…
Praise God! what awesome news! Miles looks like a charmer alwready! Good to hear that hypnobirth went well! Enjoy o\your sweet newborn adn the adorable moments of big sister lovin'! Cant' wait to get in touch and hear the detailed story! Hope you are recovering quickly and that nursing is starting off well!! Love you!
Alison said…
Congrats! Glad it went well!

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