A Tribute to my Lifemate . . .
I just want to put this in print . . . in cyberprint I guess. My husband is working hard today - at a "J.O.B." He goes there every morning. He likes it well enough - but if he had the choice, he'd be doing something more fun. He could be shopping, going for a long walk, updating his blog, playing with his newborn daughter or enjoying a cup of coffee on the front porch - but he chooses to go to work and pay the bills so that I can do those things. Sure, the life of a "stay-at-home-mom" is full of work too. But it isn't a "J.O.B." I have the freedom to take Lily to the zoo and pay the bills tomorrow. I can catch a playdate with some other moms and put off the laundry another day or so. I wouldn't have those luxuries were it not for my husband. He misses a lot of fun here at home each day. But do I ever hear one complaint? Do I ever have to drag him out of bed and kick him out the door to get him to work? Nope. In fact, he gets up and helps me i...
I absolutely loved having a little bro, and still do! I'm sure it will be an amazing time for all of you.
Can't wait for pictures