My "Follower"

Did you ever notice the little gadget on the left panel of my weblog? It is there if a person wants to "follow" my blog. I only put it there to be silly. I don't really want followers. But I have one. He is my husband.
Out of all the people in this cyberworld - he is THE one who will, publicly, follow my blathering rants and my braggadocios photobook.
However - the term "follower" is a bit misleading. I would never, ever want to lead him around. But, now, he is forever marked.
This Valentine's Day was our best ever. In fact - it is the only one, so far, that I will never forget.
We had made some BIG romantic plans. They included: a horse-drawn carriage; some chocolate-dipped berries; a rented movie in a dangerous, big, city. However. The carriage ride happened in a totally different way than was planned. The movie never got rented. And at the end of the night - we were betrothed in a whole new way.
Adam got a tattoo! For me. In place of his old, battered and lost wedding band. We were referred to, perhaps, the BEST tattoo artist in our local ghetto. The artisan was well tattooed himself - and completely kind to us. (Valentine's Night is pretty much like a flower shop at the tattoo parlor - ultra crowded and filled with anxious shoppers). It was so busy - that we had to have the consult, and then Adam returned, Sunday morning for the actual tatt. We hit the local church, later that night - to celebrate the end of our best weekend in romance - and to find rest for our weary souls.