A Family of 3.75

It was so nice out today that Adam and Lily and I decided to pack a picnic dinner and eat at the beach. It was sunny and not too windy. What a nice time. The sun was shining just right to give us a good shadow picture of our (current) family of three. Only a few more weeks until our fourth arrives. Our midwife confirmed, last week, that he's head down and in the right position for his birthday.
What you may not be able to see in the picture is that I'm just about as big as a house :).
We've started to prepare for the birth with the same hypnosis we used for pain control with Lily Ann (http://www.hypnobabies.com/). We have a really nice doula and a VERY natural labor friendly hospital directly across the street from our house. I'm optimistic that things will go well and that our new little munchkin will enjoy a peaceful entry into this big world.
We are on the road to a new beginning . . . . a family of four.