My "Follower"

Did you ever notice the little gadget on the left panel of my weblog? It is there if a person wants to "follow" my blog. I only put it there to be silly. I don't really want followers. But I have one. He is my husband. Out of all the people in this cyberworld - he is THE one who will, publicly, follow my blathering rants and my braggadocios photobook. However - the term "follower" is a bit misleading. I would never, ever want to lead him around. But, now, he is forever marked. This Valentine's Day was our best ever. In fact - it is the only one, so far, that I will never forget. We had made some BIG romantic plans. They included: a horse-drawn carriage; some chocolate-dipped berries; a rented movie in a dangerous, big, city. However. The carriage ride happened in a totally different way than was planned. The movie never got rented. And at the end of the night - we were betrothed in a whole new way. Adam got a tattoo! For me. In place of his old, battered an...