The Sweetest Sunday

Miss Lily's morning nap was interrupted by my phone ringing. It was the "centralized showing office" calling to let me know that a Realtor wanted to show our home in exactly one hour.
We've been trying to sell our beloved home for well over a year. We've recently re-listed it and we get pretty consistent traffic. So the house stays pretty-well clean. However. . . I had, sorta, fallen off the wagon a bit and let some dust-bunnies reproduce here and there. Between Thanksgiving and New Year's - people generally aren't house-hunting. So, we hadn't done the spit-shine in weeks.
I stammered on the phone, but agreed to the showing. I quickly carried the sleepy-eyed Lily to Adam and forced them both out the front door. I used my fifty-five minutes wisely and was able to make our house look like the inside pages of MetHome magazine. I walked out our back door just as the Realtor and his client were approaching our home.
I joined Adam and Lily, who had found shelter in a benevolent neighbor's bachelor-pad. We hung out there for about an hour. Then we walked back to our clean little home.
Once home, Adam and I realized that our weekend was ending and we hadn't really managed to spend any intentional time together - doing anything fun. In fact, we tried - and neither of us could remember the last time we had done something spontaneous and fun. So - we decided to have a family date. We packed some snacks, hopped in the car and headed downtown to the Children's Museum. We got there, parked the car and walked in - only to find that they had closed all the galleries for the day and would be closing the gift shop in 30 minutes. We were a bit chilly, and I asked the doorman if we could come in and warm-up in the gift shop for a few minutes before we walked all the way back to our car. He kindly welcomed us in, and we enjoyed some time browsing. Lily was happy to look around the shop from her stroller. The three of us had a great time checking out all of the developmental toys on display. Adam found a really nice teething toy for our girl. We bought it and walked back to the car.
We stopped at a coffee shop on the way home. Adam and I talked at a quiet table - while Lily slept in her carseat next to us. All of the sudden, we realized that we were on a grown-up date with the baby. It was really nice. We lingered there for a half-hour or so. Then we stopped at a natural food store on the way home. I needed some rice flour. All three of us went inside. When I tried to rush through the market, Adam reminded me that we were still on our date. I smiled - realizing (yet again) that I'd been blessed with a sweet and romantic husband. We found the rice flour, and purchased an additional $10 worth of natural junkfood impulse items (fancy potato chips, chocolate coated ricemilk "ice-cream" bars and a $4 designer protein shake). It was the perfect end to a perfect day. Together.