Invisible, By Ginny Yttrup - book review

What an amazing book. Honestly - I didn't expect Invisible , by Ginny Yttrup, to have much of an effect on me. I knew the premise of the book and the main characters were three women - one overweight, one depressed, one anorexic. I thought it would be a nice, fiction book and that I would be able to learn about the struggles of other women when I read it. However - I really learned a lot about myself when I read it. I'm not anorexic, overweight or depressed, but I do really struggle with my body image in general. For the longest time, I've brushed it off and tried to focus on what's inside - I've tried to work on being a good person and not superficial - pretty much ignoring my outer self. But while reading this book, I realized that I was avoiding something important - the Image of God in which I was created. God sees me as beautiful - even though US Weekly would never classify my looks as anything but pathetic. But Yttrup's book really gave me insight ...