The Final Summit - A Book Review

This is another book review for Thomas Nelson Publishers.  As a disclaimer - I was given a free copy of the book, The Final Summit, by Andy Andrews from the publisher.  However, I am not required to submit a positive review.

I liked the book.  I read fiction books from time to time - but not all that often.  When I do read them - I sorta like to read a book about realistic events, not as much sci-fi or fantasy.  It is hard for me to let my mind wander that far, I guess.  (I'm not a Lord of the Rings fan).  The Final Summit has a lot of fantasy and sci-fi.  It is in the Christian Fiction genre - so the type of "fantasy" writing is focused on accounts with an angel and being taken to another sphere of reality.  There is an essence of time travel as well.  The plot is pretty complex, but the author does a good job of setting the scene to bring the reader into another dimension.  The Final Summit is a sequel to  The Traveler's Gift - but the reader does not need to have read the latter to enjoy The Final Summit.  Andrews sums up the needed information well, throughout the book.

All that to say . . . ordinarily, this isn't "my kind of book," but I found myself looking forward to reading it each day.  Andy Andrews has a way of writing that makes a reader think and process information, while being entertained and challenged. The book is fun and has a lot of interesting characters and turns of events.  Most people will find it a good read.

I recommend it.  Probably more for a person who likes fantasy type books - but even the most rigid of realists can enjoy it too.  I'm giving it five stars.


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