
Showing posts from 2013

North of Hope - Book Review

Shannon Polson wrote an amazing account of her parents death, her own grieving and her wild adventure to the remote Alaskan arctic to reenact her parents last trip. Polson's parents were killed by a grizzly bear as they rafted the Hulahula river and camped in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in 2005. Polson, her brother and another traveler take on the journey to find healing and closure. Throughout the trip they encounter all sorts of feelings, adventures and trials. And Polson recounts memories of her father - both good and indifferent. She gives a very honest rendering of her greif and takes the reader on an exciting trip to the arctic. I recommend this book. It's a very well done memoir of the author's dealing with loss.

5x7 Folded Card

We Heart Grandma Mother's Day Card Create cute birthday cards & birthday invitations at . View the entire collection of cards.

Invisible, By Ginny Yttrup - book review

What an amazing book. Honestly - I didn't expect Invisible , by Ginny Yttrup, to have much of an effect on me. I knew the premise of the book and the main characters were three women - one overweight, one depressed, one anorexic. I thought it would be a nice, fiction book and that I would be able to learn about the struggles of other women when I read it. However - I really learned a lot about myself when I read it. I'm not anorexic, overweight or depressed, but I do really struggle with my body image in general. For the longest time, I've brushed it off and tried to focus on what's inside - I've tried to work on being a good person and not superficial - pretty much ignoring my outer self. But while reading this book, I realized that I was avoiding something important - the Image of God  in which I was created. God sees me as beautiful - even though US Weekly  would never classify my looks as anything but pathetic. But Yttrup's book really gave me insight ...

Fierce Beauty - Book Review

Kim Meeder wrote an amazing book that really touched my heart. She wrote about the struggles we all face as we are bombarded with images of "beauty" all around us. Meeder encourages the reader to stand for what matters - and embrace the beauty within. She shared vulnerable moments in her life - times of great loss and pain. She shared beautiful stories of young people finding wholeness in their lives. She challenged the reader to look within and make decisions as to who and what to strive for. It was a great book - full of encouragement and truth. I recommend it and give it five stars!